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3 Peas of Life

Some life lessons coming up, so brace yourself. Make some hot water for yourself and snooze yourself inside a warm blanket. Because well,...

Smudges of Emotions

There are shades of me that even the light of epiphany cannot find There are abysses inside me that even the scale of surrealism cannot...

3 Peas of Life

Some life lessons coming up, so brace yourself. Make some hot water for yourself and snooze yourself inside a warm blanket. Because well,...

Kharlyoom Momos: Short Review

Do you know what existed before dinosaurs? Momos. The answer to anything is always momos. I waited for Sisan dai to make a Momo Vlog...


The smell of all, old and new; known and yet to be known. The spider web behind the bed; bits of chowchow spilled under the shelf. The...


With the advent of winter, our community prepares itself to live through the bone chilling winter of Kathmandu through various...

Getting back

If you’re reading this, then a big thank you for going through my blogs because I had completely lost all hopes that I’d ever be able to...

The Used Sim Card

The debate competition had finished a day earlier and now we had a total of two days for complete excursion. We thought that our trip to...


It had been 3 days after I had returned home from my 10 days stay in Diktel, Khotang. I never imagined that in this age a district just...

Stop This Train

I can’t think of anything worse. This picture of Ben holding dad while he does his best to suck up one lung full of air; but he just...


It’s helpless when she cries a million rivers for the love that broke her and you try to glue every part of her with the wax by melting...


​It’s been a while that she’s left. Maybe too long for me to realize that it’s gonna be a much much longer time before my eyes can...

Close Distance

I found fascinating differences inside finite pictures resembling infinite speculations that can be chartered regarding the contradiction...


​Both of them had been waiting for the day since the time they knew how to spell ‘Homecoming’. There was a different spark in the flowers...


​Scribbles on a paper are deeper than tattoos For they show whats beneath not above For they show the hidden face Not masked by...

Being the Sun

​I wasn’t born like most of you. I never saw my mom or my dad. When I was born all of my brothers and sisters were gone as well. After...


​He loved puzzles but he couldn’t solve her She was broken into pieces and many were lost He started melting his heart to make pieces for...

15 days

​There she stood still. It had been 3 years 11 months and 15 days. 15 more days to our 4th anniversary. 15 more days to the day when we...

Blogs: Blog2

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